How to Prepare for O Levels in One Month

Since O levels Exams are around the corner and there is very limited time left. Many thoughts are wandering inside your mind right now

I haven’t prepared well for the exams

How can I ace the exams in one month’s preparation?

What should be the strategy I follow?

Well, even if limited time is left, there are still ways you can get good grades through one month of preparation.



Always prioritize reading your course books.  If you have studied your books and have thoroughly reviewed each chapter, there is a 90 percent chance of you doing well in your exams. Notes may support the content of your book but can not replace and surpass the importance of the book. Notes no matter prepared by the best academy or tutor can never be as comprehensive as the book itself. For any subject, be it biology, Islamic studies, Pakistan studies or economics, first priority should be books.


Cover small topics first 

If you haven’t prepared for exams and have limited time left. It is better to cover small topics first since they constitute 60-70 % of your exam. Spending time understanding the complex topics first will be of no good since all your energy and time will be invested in it and you will not even be able to cover the smaller topics.


Practice MCQs from past papers

Practice as many MCQs as you can from past papers. The chances of MCQs getting repeated is very high. If you look into the past papers you can see the amount of times similar questions appear in the exam of biology, physics, chemistry and economics.


Attempt topical past papers

Attempting topical past papers first will help you prepare easily if you have limited time left. It aids in focused preparation of any subject. Practice past papers as much as you can.

Topical past papers have topic wise past paper questions which aids the students to understand the important topics from exams perspective. They also assist in better understanding of the topics.


Study in groups 

One of the most important tips to prepare well when you have limited time is to study in groups. When you have covered books, notes and past papers, revise your concepts with your peers. Studying in groups will help you identify your flaws and resolve the issues you have. This way you can build stronger concepts.


The above tricks are useful for an O levels student to ace in his exams if limited time is left for preparation. These tricks may work for the majority of students but the key is consistency, hardwork and dedication towards your main goal.


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