How to get A+ in O level? Read the free guide to learn more & specially read the secret trick #5

Well who doesn’t want to secure A* in their O levels, obviously no-one. It’s everyone’s top priority to secure the highest grades they can. Some students struggle hard to achieve this goal while there are others who seek shortcuts. Success can not be achieved overnight but there are tricks you can use along with your hard work. These tricks will help you reach your destination fastly.

Here are few tricks for students who aspire to achieve A* in their O level exams.


Study every topic 

This may sound  like very simple and unnecessary advice but some students don’t pay attention to each topic,instead they try to cover only the important topics. As said earlier, there is no shortcut to success. For complete understanding and securing good grades you need to cover every topic in every course.


Practice at least 40 past papers 

You get a whole academic year to prepare for your O level exams. It is advised to practice at least 40 past papers. Since each year there are 4 variants so practicing past papers from the last 10 years will be very helpful for you to understand the paper pattern and attempt it efficiently.


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Study in groups 

When you study in groups, you understand the concepts faster and easier. Group study is more effective since it helps in avoiding procrastination and gives you an opportunity for discussing topics that you are struggling with at school with your peers.


Practice past papers in a timed setting

As much as it is important to practice past papers, it is also imperative to attempt these papers in a timed setting in one go. This will help you in getting an idea of time management during exams.


Try to interpret examiners mind

One of the most helpful tricks to succeed is to interpret the examiner’s mind. What can he ask during the exam? This will help you prepare accordingly. You’ll polish this skill after practicing past papers and notice what is being asked in the question and what is the marking scheme.


Now that you have learned these tricks, apply them during exams preparation. Since hardwork is  the key to success, it must not be neglected at any cost and must be the first priority.

Beat the exam stress!

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